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Alcohol Awareness Week 2023: Alcohol and Cost

Alcohol Awareness Week 2023 UK is an annual event that aims to raise awareness of the health risks associated with excessive alcohol consumption. This year’s Alcohol Awareness Week 2023 takes place from the 3rd – 9th of July on the theme of ‘Alcohol and Cost’. The purpose of Alcohol Awareness Week is to encourage individuals, organisations, and communities to talk openly about alcohol consumption and it’s impact on health and wellbeing. The week provides an opportunity to raise awareness of the dangers of excessive alcohol consumption, promote the benefits of moderation, and offer support and resources for those who may be struggling with alcohol addiction or misuse.

How Can Alcohol Affect Your Wellbeing

Alcohol changes the way your brain cells signal to each other, making you feel relaxed and can sometimes help with symptoms of stress, anxiety, and depression. While this can feel good for a short time, this effect doesn’t last for long. Side effects of alcohol consumption include worsening of your mental health after the calming feelings fade, hangovers including headaches, nausea, and vomiting, and post-alcohol anxiety /or depression. Research shows that people who drink alcohol are more likely to develop mental health problems. In addition to this people with severe mental health issues are more likely to have alcohol problems, this may be because they ‘self-medicate’, meaning they drink to deal with difficult feelings or symptoms. Drinking more alcohol to manage your mental health and get rid of these symptoms instead of getting help can lead to more problems.

Many people assume the occasional beer or glass of wine at mealtimes or special occasions doesn’t pose much cause for concern. But drinking any amount of alcohol can potentially lead to unwanted health consequences. Research shows that alcohol is a causal factor in more than 60 medical conditions. Long-term alcohol misuse increases your risk of serious health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, liver disease and cancer. It can also cause permanent changes to the brain, such as problems with understanding, remembering, and thinking logically. Alcohol Awareness Week 2023 highlights the support services that are available for individuals who misuse alcohol and provides the space to talk and open up if struggling.

Alcohol in the Workplace

A recent article disclosed that as many as half of UK workers used alcohol to de-stress after the day at the office, suggesting that there is further action to be taken by employers to make managing workloads more bearable. 40% of employers mention alcohol as a significant cause of low productivity. A study revealed that minimised productivity in the workplace, caused by alcohol, costs the UK economy £7 billion every year. Using alcohol as a wind down after a hectic day is destined to create a vicious cycle of dependency, which could lead to the person suffering eventually losing their job altogether. 27% of people say that workplace stress makes them drink more with many workplace cultures encouraging drinking whether through informal socialising or workplace events where alcohol is often made available for free.

Research indicates higher rates of heavy drinking in industries like mining, construction, hospitality, arts, entertainment, and wholesale. Tailored measures can boost workplace productivity, safety, and employee wellbeing. Implementing an employee assistance programme supports mental and physical health. Host inclusive events that aren’t solely focused on alcohol. Alcohol Awareness Week 2023 encourages workplaces to support colleagues with drinking issues.

Alcohol and Cost

Managing and mitigating addiction is crucial not only due to the financial toll from substance use, but also the hidden costs that lurk beneath the surface. Alcohol can severely impact both finances and overall wellbeing, leading to medical bills, legal fees, and missed opportunities. Costs accumulate even for occasional drinkers, taking a significant portion of earnings. For those battling alcoholism, expenses can skyrocket, affecting various aspects of life. It’s vital to recognise that the costs extend beyond monetary losses; alcohol addiction can also rob individuals of valuable time with family, career growth, and the joys of life.

Heavy drinkers are sensitive to price changes, especially for cheap alcohol in off-trade. Increasing prices reduces consumption and harm. This is recommended by the WHO as one of its key policies. A 10% price rise could decrease consumption by 5%. This would benefit public health and safety, reducing incidents like traffic accidents and violence. Despite alcohol duty contributing £12 billion annually, it doesn’t cover the £27 billion annual cost of alcohol-related harm.

How Can Wellity Support You this Alcohol Awareness Week 2023?

The widespread opinion of addiction is typically shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding, with many people attributing addictive behaviour to being the product of bad decisions. Individuals who are concerned that they may have signs and symptoms associated with an AUD should consider speaking to a clinician, therapist, friend, colleague, or family member to gain further support and information.

Our session ‘Alcohol & Substance Addiction: Misunderstood and Untreated’ will explore the reality of alcohol, substance addictions and related disorders. It will equip attendees with a greater understanding of the causes and impact and how to practically help a co-worker who may need support.

For any information on this title or others we offer, contact us at

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