Three joined triangular shapes that form the letters "VAV" in a stylised manner.

Employee training

Empowering Women in the Workplace


We now have a growing body of research to substantiate what many women experience anecdotally. Men are more empowered in the workplace; particularly when it comes to job fulfilment, decision making, autonomy, and remuneration. A significant piece of the puzzle lies in building confidence and empowering females to realise their vast potential. This means highlighting female achievements and addressing barriers to true inner confidence. This will enable more women to tackle bias, drive change, put themselves forward and take more risks, creating more role models, mentors, sponsors and inspiration for women following below.


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Get in touch with the Wellity Global team to find out more.

To discuss our Empowering Women in the Workplace session in more detail or any of our other leadership or employee sessions, complete the form with your details and one of the team will be in touch to answer your questions and schedule an introductory call.

What we do

Maximum uptime for clients and smarter infrastructures for metropolitan eco-systems.

Leadership Training

Wellbeing Awareness Days

Leadership Training

Wellbeing Awareness Days

Wellity global brochure front page.

Main Menu

Leadership Training Titles

Inclusion and Culture

Mindset and Mental Health

Stress, Change and Resilience

Employee Training Titles

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Financial Health

Lifestyle and Physical Health

Mindset and Mental Health

Personal and Professional Development

Stress. Change and Resilience